Let's get acquainted:
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your time and attention. I would like to tell you about my work experience. I worked for international company Bank4YOU which demanded being multi task, extremely concentrated and well organized. I am proud of my work there as I made it possible to realize our participation at international exhibition in Singapore from A to Z. That was quite a success there was always a queue at our stand and we returned with more than 20 contracts signed and more than 50 pre-agreements.
Imagine, you have 2 days only to start a new office in a foreign country which means to find specialists, interview them and hire, rent appropriate premises and meet with lawyers to sort out important issues. And you MUST do this in three different countries and three different cities within 6 days... One may say: "It's impossible!" Well, my answer will be "Done! What's next?"
I also cooperate with international psychological family centre as an interpreter. I translate books and all kinds of printed materials. When well known therapist Janae Weinhold visits Kyiv I assist her during seminars and private sessions.
As a travel agent I have become perfect at communication both with clients and partners. I am able to solve tough conflicts with a wide smile. This job taught me to forget the word stress... It's just life! Trains break sometimes, flights are very late and hotels may have issues with heating when it's minus 30. But what I've learnt for sure there are no problems that can't be solved if you stay focused, can follow your guts at times and if you have the will to make impossible become possible.
I have been teaching for more than 15 years which extended my patience almost to abnormal. I would say that this is my super power. I can explain to my mother how to take a photo and then send it via Viber without raising tone of voice staying serene and calm as Buddha.
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Otherwise let's just meet and talk. One meeting will tell you more than thousands of CVs.
Sincerely yours,